The M274 Mule (G823)

Latest news

December 6, 2022:
Added: TM 9-7820-35 ROSS Steering Box
Added: M274 Initial Assessment - 1979 - Basically all the reasons to discontinue the Mule
Thanks to Mark Ciaglia



Social Media:



Emery Mule Supply
John Emery
Phone - 262-567-5401
Phone - 262-567-5606
FAX - 262-567-5552

Mechanical Mules of America
Terry Markarian
Phone - 406-961-4024
Web Site

Phone - 1-855-332-0500
Web Site

Hint: Click on the manual type header button ( e.g. Manuals (Mule), Manuals (Engine) ) to see the list of manuals associated with each mule model / engine type.

What Everybody Needs

Ever looked in your owners manual to see how to work something on you car, truck, atv, bulldozer, etc.? Ever had a Chilton's or Motor manual detailing how to fix almost anything on your vehicle? Ever looked in a Hot Rod magazine to read an article on your car? Ever looked at the service guide at a car dealership to see what needed maintenance when?

All those documents and more are available for the Mule!!!!

When I work on any vehicle, I like to have the manuals with me. I have all the information I need right there and don't have to go back and forth to a computer to look stuff up. I do the same with the Mule. I printed all the manuals double sided and put them in a 3 ring binder. If you don't want to spend the time to do that, you can take the electronic copies to an office supply store and they will print them out for you.

LO and TM Manuals

The LO and TM manuals cover every topic you could possible want to know. They are broken out by Mule or engines.

TM 9-2320-246-10 is equivilant to your car's owners/operators manual. It explains the operating procedures and also goes over inspection areas and how to perform pre-operation checks.

The LO (Lubrication Order) manuals cover all the periodic maintenace tasks. It is equivilant to the dealers service guide. It details where maintenance is necessary, the types of lubricants needed on each and the frequency the maintenace is required.

The other manuals are more like Service Repair manuals. They are available for both the Mule and Engines.

Always Looking for More...

I have worked to locate and cleanup manuals associated with The Mule. I have converted and published all I have so far. If you have any you would like to contribute or donate, please contact me through the Contact Me link on the page footer.

Copyright Garbage

Under US Copyright law, works of the US Federal government are not subject to copyright and are in public domain.

In the United States, U.S. Government works are covered by 17 USC paragraph 105 "Copyright protection under this title is not available for any work of the United States Government"

Feel free to download any manuals, print, share and republish.


I wish to thank the following for contributing manuals for the web site so they can be shared with the Mule community.

  • Charles Witt ( muleman7 )
  • Chris Vickery ( major519 )
  • Chuck McClurg
  • Jason Green
  • Mark Ciaglia

Other FREE Sources

While this site is focused on M274 Military Mule specific manuals and information, there are other sources of free Military Manuals that I have found during my searches for information. Below are links to the ones I found most useful.